woensdag 21 april 2021

Unconditional Love

You trusted but got hurt

you threatened but still stayed

he promised but acted same

could not get away

you loved him way too much

truth is, baby girl,

the only 'love' in this narrative

was you not giving it to yĆ³urself enough.

There is and never will there be

such a thing as unconditional love

only rules and demands we speak of

there is and never will there be

such a thing as unconditional love 

It is never to be expected from a lover

the truest love, the one without conditions,

is only to be found in the heart of a mother.

I am therefore I know. 




donderdag 15 april 2021


Love is the answer.
Love, love, love. 

If you give love, you'll receive love.
It can not be any other way.

Do love and love will come back to you.

If in doubt: love.
Love, love, love. 

I love you.

XOXO MotherHustler