woensdag 17 oktober 2018


I knew I would get it some day.  I just knew it.  Some day though.  Not at that exact time but one sweet day.

I saw a documentary, I think it was about a year or two ago, about extremely talented background singers that just haven't made it into the spotlight.  Maybe it is just not their destiny.  Maybe they have far more interesting stuff to dedicate their lives and passions too.  Maybe, they have no greater destiny than that but are they here on earth to develop little knowledges about the sweetest littlest ordinary things.  I don't know.  But in this documentary they were interviewing a middle aged? woman, no make-up, short hair and were showing clips of her past history as a stunning, gorgeous background singer of The Stones.  I could not help thinking, why on earth did this woman let her looks go as much as she did.  Such an absolutely, blindingly beautiful woman was transformed over the years to an average looking, make-upless, short-hair-don't-care, not-so-size-six-anymore, looking human.  But somehow, I felt, that I could not judge her.  That one day I would see.  I would feel.  I would understand.  And I do now.  Today.

Having been transforming and rebuilding myself at 35, feeling the depths, the crevasses, the lows, the (rock) bottoms of the awakening of the illusions, the lies, the misenterpretations and all of it, I'm naked now.  Absolutely stripped of all the ornaments of the ideas I thought I was, I was told I was, I was lured into...  It's so freaking scary but at the same time it is so absoluty truthful.  All the fogs are disappearing and the views are so cristal clear as New Zealand gletcher waters (and as freezing as well).

I see this woman now, the background vocalist.  I see her knowing things, mermaiding in deep lakes in which I'm just only putting my pinky toe in.  I see her strength.  I see her scars.  I see her Phoenix-like features.  I see the woman who I am becoming.  A woman who's beauty lies in her wisdom and in her kindness.  In her ability to balance speaking up and letting things go on a daily basis.
I see our true beauty and ambition now.

(sorry voor het Engels maar ik ben gewoon gegaan met mijn gevoel vandaag, zoals je wel kan voelen aan de inhoud van de tekst en ik kan het jullie alleen maar aanraden! (niet het Engels, wel gaan met gevoel.) Namasté, liefjes allemaal!


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