maandag 11 februari 2019


My soulmate.  

Met her in our first year of college, about 18 years old.  

Walking in front of me with her brown, corduroy trousers on.  Tight at the bum, loose over her worn out gypsy boots.  
Her orange turtleneck subtly showcasing her beautifully sculpted body and her long, flax blonde hair, carelessly raised with a large flower pin.

Her almond-white face adorned with freckles, like stars at the sky arch in the light polluted sky.
Walking up the stairs with her leather vintage satchel catching my eye and her aural frequency tuning into mine.  

And so it happened...

Few weeks later we were one. 

Her and I. 

Us against the world.  

We dressed different.  We thought different.  We acted different. 

A breath of fresh air in a world full of identical snobs.  

Everybody perceived us as antisocial but we couldn't care less.

Philosophing, rebelling, analayzing... those were the things that really preoccupied us. 

Her and I.

Heart and intuition. 

Peaceful Anarchists against the ruling establishment. 

Anonymous Hippies, fighting silently against the dominating dogmas in our own little world.   

Nothing else mattered. 

One of my first recollections of our friendship was her giving me a book.  

I think it was called 'De Zin der Zinnen' (The Sense of Senses) not too sure, but I  do remember it being an ode to our bodies and its superb ways.  

I still have it to this day.  

I was so enthralled by it.  By her.

It was literally the first time I met someone who was colouring in the same colour palette as me and to make things even better: on the same canvas as well. 

After college we seperated.  

Living my seemingly secure Matrix life, wasn't compatible anymore with her living her best life, far away from Doctrinarian Prison.  

Now, so many years later, she finds herself more and more living, sometimes fearing but most of the time enjoying, the simple yet substantial life.

Even though I haven't seen her in years, I keep on reading her blog where she writes about venturing on the path she has always dreamed of.

Her writing depicting the real deal of leaving the Path Untread.

It's not for all of us, but she is doing it and she is doing (it) good.

donderdag 7 februari 2019

Mother Earth

Let me brainstorm here for a minute...

So, in order to have our climate saved, we should all, individually, try to reduce our carbon footprint, right?  Yes? 
And than the ACTUAL culprits, the multinationals, should... Oh no, my bad, multinationals are apparently exempted here.
They are all exempted because they deliver the dough.
Now now, in a world where it's actuallly possible for a chemical giant to be patent owner of plenty of  'natural' seeds, this really should come as no surprise to us.

You do understand that money is very important, though?  
You see, it will be a vital tool in the future for buying tickets to go to new established colonies in space.  Ah yes, you do get, that murdering only one planet is not ambitious enough, do you?


After exploiting our absolutely breathtaking heimat, which possesses so many ingeneous (eco)systems and a splendor so magnificent that its inhabitants even contrived a 'Creator' to try to find an explanation for such mysticism*, they want to branch out into space.  Ofcourse.

(*This, or She was conveniently created by the elite to deprive and dominate the riffraff.  Maybe both?)

Still.  Try to keep in mind.  The Homo Sapiens is, and remains, a mammal.

So, maybe, the elite keeping their money instead of protecting our climate or exterminating famine (there literally is enough money to go around for everyone, to solve all problems as well, folks!), is not going against nature but instead is being part of it.

Maybe planet Earth has a severe case of Freud's Eros and Thanatos going on...

Maybe we are all made in Her image after all.


zondag 3 februari 2019


What do y'all think?  Is racism a matter of intellect or not?

I used to think so, allright.  d'Offis.  
Intellectuals can be highly unlikely racist, as even a blind mole can see how xenophobia is only a tool used on us, the masses, by the elite to divide and conquer.  Right?

Are there any intellectual racists? 
Probably.  And if so, should we need to redefine the term 'intellect' or is it required to take into account the vital importance of ancestral doctrines and/or the detrimental influence of social portraying?

Could racism be genetic?  
Did my love for some cultures and my discomfort with others slip into my nucleotides some centuries ago?  Is it because my great great grandmother was from Spain, a land once invaded by the Mores, that it's just in my DNA to have specific tastes and preferences or not?  Than again, don't we ALL have mixed blood as so many populations on earth have been at war with each other at one time or another...

So I was talking to this guy the other day, who told me he was opposed immigrants and open border politics.  I did not really bother to go into a discussion with him.  For me personally, the older I get, the wiser (yep, just said this about myself) and the more I realise that people are walking their own paths.  I think that you can try to interfere but what a waste of energy that would be.  Precious energy one can use very much so on its own Highway to Growth.  

He asked me if his opinions would be the end of my interest in him.  'That's an affirmative, boy' I said and he replied: 'Can't we just beg to differ?  We do not all have to have the same opinions, right?'

His comment made me think.  Is he right?  I don't think so.  Or is he?
For me, racism, is not just a different opinion.  For me it is the lack of some essential insights and thus... a matter of intellect.  Or isn't it?  Am I wrong? 

And, on my path of love, is it right for me to let him be?
Isn't leading by example the best way to convey our precious ideals to one another?  
Shouldn't I have pulled him close instead of pushing him away and just let him see how I perceive life?
Shouldn't I let my love be contagious?
Shouldn't I hang out with him just so I could infect him with my tenderness for all?

Does leaving him be, make me, myself, a racist and thus are black people right when saying that to not be racist is not enough, that we all should be anti-racist?

Who actually is the real intellectual here...