donderdag 7 februari 2019

Mother Earth

Let me brainstorm here for a minute...

So, in order to have our climate saved, we should all, individually, try to reduce our carbon footprint, right?  Yes? 
And than the ACTUAL culprits, the multinationals, should... Oh no, my bad, multinationals are apparently exempted here.
They are all exempted because they deliver the dough.
Now now, in a world where it's actuallly possible for a chemical giant to be patent owner of plenty of  'natural' seeds, this really should come as no surprise to us.

You do understand that money is very important, though?  
You see, it will be a vital tool in the future for buying tickets to go to new established colonies in space.  Ah yes, you do get, that murdering only one planet is not ambitious enough, do you?


After exploiting our absolutely breathtaking heimat, which possesses so many ingeneous (eco)systems and a splendor so magnificent that its inhabitants even contrived a 'Creator' to try to find an explanation for such mysticism*, they want to branch out into space.  Ofcourse.

(*This, or She was conveniently created by the elite to deprive and dominate the riffraff.  Maybe both?)

Still.  Try to keep in mind.  The Homo Sapiens is, and remains, a mammal.

So, maybe, the elite keeping their money instead of protecting our climate or exterminating famine (there literally is enough money to go around for everyone, to solve all problems as well, folks!), is not going against nature but instead is being part of it.

Maybe planet Earth has a severe case of Freud's Eros and Thanatos going on...

Maybe we are all made in Her image after all.


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