dinsdag 30 april 2019


Ik weet dat je het moeilijk hebt
vertrouw op me, ik voel jouw pijn
en hoewel je me op de slachtbank hebt gelegd
zie ik kristalhelder door de schijn

Onbeantwoorde liefde gegeven in je leven
ze ligt als een blinddoek op je hoofd
uit het stof van je verscheurde hart geweven
het is niet in God maar wel in Angst dat je gelooft

Gehuld in je sluier van gekwellen
zodat je zeker niet ziet
dat ondanks wat ik ook mag zeggen
in mij zit hetzelfde verdriet

Ik weet dat je het moeilijk hebt
vertrouw op me, ik voel jouw pijn
‘Voor altijd wil ik naast jou strijden’ heb ik gezegd
eeuwig zal ik jouw soldaat zijn.


dinsdag 23 april 2019

Rose Rising

Somewhere... in between the savage rose bush
the most beautiful Flower was hiding
Wistfully... because of a never ending rush
the retention of past beliefs kept Her there residing 

Than a ruthless tempest came breaking the briar's rigid branches
by doing so exposing nature's stunning Piece Of Art
Leaving the bared Bloom finally to enjoy the sun's caresses
unveiling at last Her most magnificent and dazzling part

As the Rose before always feared the storm
She subsequently ever stayed in cover
Realising now overcoming struggle is a strength form
She flourishes, over which butterflies hover.


woensdag 17 april 2019

Find what feels good

Reading this little blog of mine, you might have noticed that I'm treading on Path Unlikely, here. 

Now, how pure and most beautiful my (t)(pr)eachings are though, duly note that I still do fuck up, I still almost pass out from anxiety sometimes, I still do keep hurting the ones I love, I still don't always speak the honest truth because I so dread it to make me look vulnerable and weak and I definitely still do keep questioning myself (pretty much every nanosecond), so I'm definitely no unconditionally happy unicorn riding into the sunset.  Yet.

Which leaves me to one thing and one thing only:
To try to let go controlling my thoughts.
To try to let go the urge to control others.

I try to let shit go as True Peace and True Love only comes with True Acceptance.



Coming from nothing
I have always thought:
Wealth would never come knocking
For crumbs forever there will be fought

Little did I know 
That if seed can become tree
I, myself, too, can grow
Into the very best version of me.


maandag 15 april 2019


As this new day is springing
defeat is no more, I will go winning
My tears have dried, my heart has re-opened
act is now key on all that was hopened.


A little poem I wrote to celebrate my new morning.  My new dawn.



vrijdag 12 april 2019


All the wonders and the whys
the never being able to say goodbyes

The Three Fates knitting my sweater
Will it be a cropped one or will it end never?

Yet the lids of my eyes keep opening each morning
Today is a happy one or will I keep mourning?

I greet the world and I take in the weather
a conscious decision: today must be better

Because, you see, I'm barely keeping up
with all the changes that fill my cup
but do not doubt, drink from it, I will
After all, is there not a tomorrow, still?


'At night is when the Muses visit.' Quincy Jones.

I hope you appreciate it,



donderdag 4 april 2019

Starry, Starry Night

Now, let me tell you…

Digging into the depths of your core, untangling the clews of preconceived opinions and unravelling the truth of your authentic self… it will bring you places. 

It will bring you from the river Styx to Gaia's ceiling.  From the grip of Hades to the arms of Eros.

Bam! Snatched by Hydra again.

But no low nor high, no sujet nor emotion will be able to obstruct your way to Revelation Road.  
Even when you’re down, your spirit is soaring as the teachings of struggle are tomorrow’s pillars of consciousness.   

For example, let's take the devouring ache of heartbreak.  The pain of unrequited love, if you will.  It will make you cry tears that wet your skin but that will also dissolve the steel of one of your heart's vaults, disclosing concealed contents.  

This rock bottom of grief and heartache will enable you to question yourself, to make you strip yourself and because of that will also lift you to yet another, veiled before, awareness.  

For me, it drew me to some spiritual guidance which taught me a thing or two.
Amongst other life saving hacks, it taught me that whatever’s in me, I see in you.
That truth does not exist.
We see what we want to see.  We see how we were constructed to see.  All our past experiences, all our preconceived conceptions we see exhibited in other people's attitudes, in our collocutor's words.

Not anymore, though.  I will, in all humility, try to innovate myself.

Being ignored will no longer be a validation of me being not worthy of love.
That reply to my question asked will no longer be considered as a confirmation of me being not good enough.
Not getting what I yearn for from someone will no longer be taken as a representation of my inbedded insecurities.  

I understand now that whatever’s in you, is projected on me and vice versa.
I understand now that we're all just mirrors, reflecting on each other what's really inside ourselves.

Coming to this understanding, I've noticed that we can not pour from an empty cup.
That we should try to fill ourselves with love, tenderness and compassion for self and others in order to spill it over to everyone around us.

We should try to see what's REALLY there to see, not what we THINK there is to see.
We should try to hear what's REALLY there to hear, not what we THINK there is to hear.

Let us try to focus on the good and loving aspects in each other and let's mention them.
Let us draw smiley's on each other's faces and let's color our own hearts with happiness while we are at it as well.  

Let us, in all modesty, try to blank our canvasses and to feel the brushes by the hairs they are made off and to smell the paints by their true compositions.

Let us try to clean our slates today so we are no longer the centuries old reproductions of yesterday.